Tuesday, 30 July 2013

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[Toy] Superman Man of Steel Movie Masters Faora and General Zod (Kryptonian Armor) action figure review

Toy has posted a new item, 'Superman Man of Steel Movie Masters Faora and
General Zod (Kryptonian Armor) action figure review'

With Superman the Man of Steel movie climbing higher on the charts the first
series of 6" Movie Masters figures are beginning to disappear from the pegs.
Fortunately there's a new wave to restock that contains an older General Zod in
Kryptonian Armor...

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Monday, 29 July 2013

[Toy] Botcon 2013 Machine Wars Electro / Autobot Electrons

Toy has posted a new item, 'Botcon 2013 Machine Wars Electro / Autobot

Autobot Electrons is never one to duck out of trouble, he would never run away
from a challenge, no matter what the odds. He is strongly opinionated and
willing to fight for what he believes is right. Because of the excessive speeds
he drives and his more than enthusiastic nature, Autobot Electrons requires his
fair share of maintenance and found himself in Hoist's workshop on more than one
occasion. The shorter the odds, the more he likes it.
After Sizzle's premonition of the Machine Wars, Autobot Electrons came to
Cybertron where he worked with Mirage in an attempt to prepare the planet for
the war. Since those in charge were not convinced of Sizzle's ability, Autobot
Electrons and Mirage had to work outside of established regulations. They
provided arms and upgrades to civilians of Cybertron with little regard to who
they were providing them to. His own upgrades were self-given through illegal,
off the books efforts. Unfortunately for the duo, those efforts did not go
unnoticed by Cybertron Security.

Machine Wars "Autobot Electrons" or Electro to give him his "real" name is
really less of a Machine Wars toy, and more of an add-on for the Botcon 2010
Generation 2 set, which is set in the same universe as the 2013 set. He's a
straight up redeco of Hoist, with the same new head, and reuses the Generations
Kup mold.

Electro is a satisfying figure. He has a nice shade of yellow-gold plastic (but
not the infamous GPS prone plastic!). The new head is a dead ringer for G2
Electro, and is a great likeness. I also like the fact he's been given blue eyes
- makes me think of Tailgate from More than Meets the Eye.

Overall, a worthy homage and an excellent deco. The choice of mold fits, and the
Kup mold was one of the nicer ones out there to pick out to use, so all good
there. He's one of my favourite pieces from this year's set, largely because I
like Generation 2 a lot.

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Sunday, 28 July 2013

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[Toy] Video games!!!

Toy has posted a new item, 'Video games!!!'

Got a pretty big video games haul this weekend! It's gonna keep me busy for
quite some time!- Nintendo Wii U- Nintendo 3DS XL- 3DS Luigi's Mansion- 3DS
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater- 3DS Scribblenauts Unlimited- Wii U Lego City
Undercover- PS3 Kamen Ri...

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

[Toy] Monopoly - Property Trading Board Game (Styles Vary)

Toy has posted a new item, 'Monopoly - Property Trading Board Game (Styles

Product DescriptionMonopoly! Own it all as a high-flying trader in the
fast-paced world of real estate. Tour the city for the hottest properties:
sites, stations and utilities are all up for grabs. Invest ...

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[Toy] Crayola - 24 Ct. Crayons

Toy has posted a new item, 'Crayola - 24 Ct. Crayons'

Product DescriptionColor your world with the world's most popular brand -
Crayola! This 24 pack box of crayons is good for whatever inspires the little
artist in your life. Certified non-toxic.From its earliest beg...

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Friday, 26 July 2013

Yushar Ardhi shared a link Airport Tax Kualanamu Rp 100.000, Kalau...: "internasional brpa yak? Hih...

Yushar Ardhi shared a link.
Yushar Ardhi
internasional brpa yak? Hihihi
Airport Tax Kualanamu Rp 100.000, Kalau Murah AP Bisa Bangkrut
Airport Tax Bandara Kualanamu Internasional diusulkan PT Angksa Pura (AP) II selaku pengelola bandara naik dari Rp 35.000 menjadi Rp 100.000 per orang. Mahal?
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Toy has posted a new item, 'OFFICIAL WORLD'S GREATEST HEROES - New BATMAN,
ROBIN, BATGIRL, and ALFRED Figure Toys!!'

BATMAN TOY COLLECTOR NEWS - The other day the MEGO MUSEUM website revealed that
the 3rd wave of figures from the Figures Toy Co. will include a Removable Cowl
Batman, Removable Mask Robin, Removable Cowl Batgirl, and... the well-trusted
Butler, Alfred Pennyworth! Wow! Alfred is gonna be a "Mego Doll", AWESOME!!
There is no exact release date set yet but stay tuned to the BAT-BLOG for all
your Batman Toy Collecting info! Hey, once we know, YOU know!

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

[Toy] WFC Megatron Revisited

Toy has posted a new item, 'WFC Megatron Revisited'

So, after getting the Hasbro version of War For Cybertron Megatron, I eventually
stumbled upon the Japanese version. As a result, this wont be a full on review
as I pretty much covered what I wanted to with my review of the Hasbro one.
Being crammed into Takaratomys United line, This Megatron gets some additional
sexiness with some shiny paint. The most noticeable difference being a much
darker colour scheme.He comes on the usual Blister package. What I really liked
about the United line at this stage as they had some really cool battle scenes
of the toys themselves, but with some obvious photoshopping to make them look
like they are in battle. These pics are on the back of the box, along with a bio
and stats.

As it turns out, all the images of Megatron are actual toy images albeit heavily
edited. They look pretty cool!

Pretty powerful chap there isn't he?

Sexy little picture of the toy gesticulating majestically. Or perhaps maniacally
and a mention of his gimmicks, which is his launching cannon. Some nice head
shots of other figures that were available as well.Last one of the box, they
have some English, which has a translation of his function, which in Japanese is
. Which is Hakai Taitei lit:Emperor of Destruction. Yet the translation they
have used is Tyrant. Close enough and sounds less silly than Emperor of
Destruction. Oh and I see they added Decepticon on the front. Well, well, well.
I wonder if we will ever see the return of the Destrons?.Outside of the box he
looks very nice and beefy. Still.Articulation is exactly the same of course and
even though I still would have liked a waist joint, the Megatron is still rather

Here is is next to the US release. Interesting to see that even though it seems
that the Japanese one has fewer paint applications, it does look a lot nicer. I
added a bit of liner on white Megs as he looked a bit drab otherwise and to help
add a bit of definition to the sculpt. The Japanese one doesnt really need it
any as the darker plastic, while not game accurate, does aid the sculpt details
quite a lot.The red paint is slightly metallic looking and very nice indeed. You
can even see a bit more facial detail, just from the darker plastic. Nice. The
black dot on the forehead of the US one was done by me, but its all ready done
on the Japanese one.

The only real downer is the Decepticon insignia on his chest. It has a silver
background which causes the purple to blend in a little too much with the

He has the allowance for light piping, but his eyes have been painted over.
However if you happen to have a strong enough light on handLooks rather menacing
I think. I like it.You can see the sculpted detail so much easier on the
Japanese version one.

I was thinking of selling my US one after doing this, but I did have the
opportunity to play around with fusion cannons.

COME GEEEET SSSOOOOOMMMMEEEEE.Tanks Mode is still the future tank of random
bits, but it looks more metallic and tank like thanks to the darker plastic.

Its slightly classier looking than the white version, but again, that is all due
to the inaccurate game colouring. At the time, TakaraTomy where including these
cards in the toys for use with gaming machines in dept stores in Japan. Sadly I
dont think I ever saw one, but it included all series at the time, so I have
some Animated ones and United ones as well.

I assume the game was some kind of fighting/pokemon sort of thing.And so there
you have it. A little comparison piece of two Megatrons, what I find most
interesting is even though I prefer the TakaraTomy one due to its plastic colour
and snazzy red paint, it hasnt made me think the Hasbro one is total rubbish.
They both have their strengths and weaknesses. While the Hasbro is more game
accurate and has MORE paint than the TakaraTomy one, the TT looks a bit nicer as
a toy. So once again, as with my Japanese Animated conclusions, I am going to
say that the TT one looks nicer as a toy, but the Hasbro one is more accurate to
the source material.What a twist!

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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

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[Toy] Galaxy Force Starscream

Toy has posted a new item, 'Galaxy Force Starscream'

Aaah, Galaxy Force. Without a doubt this series is in my Top 3 of Transformers
lines. Incidentally, my top 3 consists of Generation 1, Animated and Galaxy
Force, but I cant put one over the other, so there is no Number 1Old Starscream
here is a bit of an odd one. The Japanese release got a single release in show
accurate colours, but despite being a major character in the show, the not
Japanese release only got released in a two-pack with Vector Prime. He was also
painted vastly different too. I dont count that abominable Supreme Starscream
which was a slightly modified version of this toy, but blown up to ridiculous
size. It was Horrid. My main reason for getting this Starscream was because he
appears to be based on the old Tetra-jet as the fandom refers to them as. Which
is the triangle jet modes they had on Cybertron in the original cartoon. It also
looks cool.

Robot mode is quite chunky. This Starscream is a powerful Starscream. Being in
Galaxy Force he has a Force Chip gimmick which is the reason why he has the
large wing bit hanging off his back. It isnt that bad to be honest and is a
decent trade off as it doesnt affect the toy too much.Sculpting is very good.
There are details all over his body and his head has enough details to look like
Starscreams head, including vents on the side and a nice scowl. I love the way
his mouth has been done. This isnt quite your whining, lurking Starscream, he is
a Starscream who can actually get things done. The wings on his shoulders can be
folded back if you dont like them, but I like them so leave them as is. The
inclusion of the yellow missile pod ( ?) things is a nice addition as well,
although I suspect they are there more to hide his head in vehicle mode rather
than a G1 homage.

Having a bit more of a look at his ambient sculpting, and you can see its in
places where you wouldnt think theyd put any. What I do like though is under the
Force Chip port he has a couple of holes which can have stands plugged into them
giving you some great options for various display set ups. Just make sure you
have a strong stand. The little one I used is too weak and so he was rather

Even the back of his head has lots of sexy sculpting. Mmmmmmm! Yummy!His legs
have the ability to be posed in a wide variety of positions as they are
relatively unhindered, but the same cant be said for his shoulders. He is also
slightly let down by tiny little pudgy arms that bend in the middle of the
fore-arm. There is a hinge joint that is used for transforming that can become a
pseudo elbow, but it looks very thin and cut off when you do bend with it.His
gun can also be mounted behind his back when in robot mode as well, as a
launcher though its not a very interesting weapon. It is also his main gun for
jet mode as well. One thing that I was disappointed with was the little guns on
either side of the cockpit/chest dont move. It would have been GREAT if they
could swivel up and down and wouldnt have taken that much effort. They certainly
LOOK like they want to move, but they area solid piece moulded with the chest.
This oversight was fixed with the supreme version, but that and an extra cannon
were the only changes.

Oh and I think he is the first Starscream to have some pointy shoes if you so
wish. He is a Voyager size and if I remember correctly, Cybertron/Galaxy Force
was the line that brought in the change to this size classing. I do think that
Voyagers have most certainly shrunk since then.

When you plug in his Force Chip, extra doodads happen. Luckily they are pretty
good on Starscream and dont detract from they toys design much and they look

Starscream gets these incredibly cool blades that flip out from his wings bits.
They are nicely sculpted, look very cool, but would be tricky to use in real
life I think. Both blades slip out at the same time. There are no noise chips,
which is a relief as I am sure a speaker and battery pack would have ruined the

And now the cool action available to his legs comes in handy!

Stick him on a stand and see how we go hey? You can see how some elbow blades
might be a bit hard to wield.

The swords work with the vehicle mode as well. Nifty. Nothing quite like a plane
with swords hey? So speaking of planes with swords, lets have a look at the
vehicle mode.Transformation is fun, easy and quick. I think Galaxy Force got the
balance right between complexity and enjoyment. The hardest part for me is
getting the knees past the arms, they feel like they need to click out just a
tiny tiny bit more.

Whooosh! I love the look of this jet mode. Even after the snazzily designed
War/Fall of Cybertron Starscream I still prefer the look of this dude. My only
real complaint would have to be the visible head syndrome with it sticking right
up there a shame really, but I guess it does kind of flow into the Force Chip
port area in a way. Buut, not really.
Once again sculpting is lovely. Oddly for a cybertronian mode he has a cockpit
with a bit of translucent plastic.

Hm, I guess with the vents on the head, they kind of hide it a little bit.

Lovely. You can split the tail wing for an X-fighter style if you like as well.
In jet mode the Force Chip doesnt detract from the mode at all.

I love this toy. Its a great Transformer, good paintwork, easy to transform,
neat gimmick that doesnt ruin the toy and actually adds. I have a friend who is
always asking me if I sell it, to let him know first. I think I am going to be
sorry to say, I dont think Ill ever get rid of this one. Its just too nice.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

[Toy] Disney Doc McStuffins Mini Beanbag Plush - Squeakers

Toy has posted a new item, 'Disney Doc McStuffins Mini Beanbag Plush -

Product DescriptionDisney Doc McStuffins Mini Beanbag Plush - Squeakers is
soft cuddly and adorable! Collect all Doc McStuffin Mini Beanbag Plush dolls!
Each Sold Separately!Doc McStuffins is an American ...

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Monday, 22 July 2013

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[Toy] 2013 SDCC - Classic 1966 BATMAN TV Series Model Kit by Moebius Models with Original Box Art!

Toy has posted a new item, '2013 SDCC - Classic 1966 BATMAN TV Series Model Kit
by Moebius Models with Original Box Art!'

OK, there are TWO great things about this photo and one of them I'm really proud
of. First, we finally get to see what Moebius Models is doing with their
brand-new line of Classic 1966 BATMAN TV Series Model kits.Here, they show the
Adam West figure. Oh man, this thing is a total Art Masterpiece!! I would have
killed for this model when I was a little kid, ha!
Then, speaking of "Art Masterpiece", check out (to the right), the original BOX
ART that was done by our good friend Christopher Franchi. Please click on the
pic here for a larger, sharper, version.Yeah, we know the guy who did this art.
(He created the super-awesome BAT-BLOG HEADER that you see at the top of this
page!!) His artwork is extremely detailed and always professionally well done.
In fact, this box art is so amazing that it's kind of a shame that they will add
all sorts of bar codes and lettering all over it later, ha ha! All kidding
aside, the finished product will probably look great too.The only product
details we have right now is that it will come out in the last quarter of 2013
and will have a Suggested Retail Price of about $32.99.Also, Stay tuned to the
Bat-Blog and we'll keep you posted on more Model Kits that are coming out!

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Sunday, 21 July 2013

[Toy] This Week in CRNews: Comic-Con Edition

Toy has posted a new item, 'This Week in CRNews: Comic-Con Edition'

The only thing that makes me feel okay about missing San Diego Comic-Con for the
sixth consecutive year is reminding myself how insane and exhausting it is.
Alright, that doesn't actually help; if anything it makes me want to go more!
Thankfully we didn't have to be there to get a bunch of cool news from the con,
and you can see what else went down this week in the recap.

Below you'll find a bevy of hot stories, features and video posted throughout
the week. But that's not all. We've also compiled a few stories we missed, so be
sure to check those out, as well.

Follow us at the official Crunchyroll Twitter!

Live-Action "Black Butler" Film Serves Up a Teaser
Official "Attack on Titan" Hug Pillows Offered
First Look at Syfy Channel's "Heroes of Cosplay"
"Madoka Magica The Movie -Rebellion-" English Subtitled Trailer
Third Season of "Hajime no Ippo" Boxing Anime Coming Fall 2013

Bracelet Inspired by One Piece's "Fire Fist Ace" Offered in Japan
New "Initial D" Tour Features Real Cars and Places
"All You Need is Kill" Adaptation Retitled for Hollywood Release
Tokyo Hotel to Offer Captain Harlock Room
Latest Visual for "Magi" Anime's Return
NIS: "Disgaea 5" in Pre-Production, Aims to Surpass Original Game
Classics Collide in "Robotech/Voltron" Comic Crossover
Bandai to Release "Sailor Moon" Silver Pendants & Face T-Shirts
Discotek Media Licenses "Great Teacher Onizuka" Anime
"Bleach" Manga Prepares for Finale with Five Week Hiatus
Stage an "Attack on Titan" With Wall Stickers
Japanese Artist Covers "Adventure Time" Comic
New "Anohana Summer Festival" Photos Reveal Painted Menma Statue
Official Poster for "Black Butler" Live-Action Film Revealed
S.H. Figuarts Sailor Jupiter Appears at SDCC
"Watamote" Theme Song Single Cover Art Previewed
Fifth New "Ultra Street Fighter IV" Character Has Never Been in a Fighter
Check Out the "Final Fantasy XIV" Costume in "Lightning Returns: FFXIII"
"Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers" Heads to North America in November
"Maoyu" and "Vividred Operation" Smartphone Stands Previewed
"Fairy Tail" and "Yuruyuri" Authors Sketch Summer Greetings
FUNimation Licenses More ".hack" Anime
Declare You're a 60-Meter Class With "Attack on Titan" Mask T-Shirt
"Attack On Titan" Fan-Made Game Screenshot Teases Non-Existent Game
New "Free!" Cellphone Trading Straps To Be Available In September
Studio Ghibli Music to be Offered on Limited Vinyl Pressings
Superman and Batman Teaming Up in Next DC Motion Picture

This is how I imagine much of the weekend went

Fanart Friday - High-Tech, Low-Living Edition

High School Students Recreate "Attack on Titan" Opening
Hideaki Anno Stars in Studio Ghibli Movie Tie-in Cell Phone Ads
"We Without Wings" English Dub Preview
20 Years of "Power Rangers" in 90 Seconds
EVO 2013 Fighting Game Tournament Grand Finals
Glacius Joins the Battle in Free-to-Play "Killer Instinct" Revival
"Free!" Anime Character Songs Trial Listening Videos
Theme Song PV for Hayao Miyazaki's Latest Film "The Wind Rises"
Attack on Titan Takes Itashas To A Whole New Gear
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's Car Commercial
"Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies" Puts English Trailer on the Stand
Jamie Foxx Becomes Electro in "Amazing Spider-Man 2" Teaser
Capcom's Master Assassin "Strider" Returns
Latest Teaser for "Tiger & Bunny -The Rising-" Introduces Barnaby's New Partner
"Fairy Tail" x "Rave" OVA Preview
Extended "Code Geass: Akito the Exiled" Episode 2 Preview
Theatrical Trailer for Hayao Miyazaki's "The Wind Rises"
"Legend of Korra - Book 2: Spirit" Trailer
"RWBY" Episode 1 Premieres
"Little Witch Academia" Inspires Manga
"Free!" Ending Dance Remixed With Other Anime

We have a beautiful new trailer for the Japanese remake of UNFORGIVEN!! [AICN]
Super TIME Force trailer makes a big mess, saves a few lives [Joystiq]
This is the ultimate collection of Zelda strategy guides [Destructoid]
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate has a 7-on-7 Fight Mode [Siliconera]

As always, thanks for tuning in to CrunchyNews and hanging out with us this
week. Let your voice be heard if you have any suggestions, or just general
comments for us!

Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. His blog can be
found at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter at @Moldilox.

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Best regards,

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Yushar Ardhi added a new photo to the album Mobile Uploads

Yushar Ardhi added a new photo to the album Mobile Uploads.
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