| Add the people you know to see their photos and updates. Poppy Knayya Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Sari Dewi Lecturer at Telkom University Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Suwardana Cb Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Nanda Putri Miefthawati Lecturer in Electronic Engeenering FST at UIN SUSKA RIAU Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Komala Ratna Sari Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Septri Stephanie Pasaribu Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Adriani Ginting Penyusun Bahan Pelatihan at Balitbang, Balitfo,Kemenakertrans Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Andhika Putra Priyandra Director of Photography at Teh O Ais Production Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend Rosalinda Cardillo Birmingham, United Kingdom Add Friend Noria Nandasuri Hasibuan Jakarta, Indonesia Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend | | | | | | Add the people you know to see their photos and updates. | | | |
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