Sunday, 28 June 2015

Do you know Dede Mariana and Ted Diesta?

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Ted Diesta
Content of Marketing Services Founder di Kompas Gramedia Group of Magazine
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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Do you know Okky Cia, Muhammad Ghulam and 8 others?

  Add the people you know to see their photos and updates.   Okky Cia Jambi City Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Muhammad Ghulam Multimedia University Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Auliansah Hafiz Institut Teknologi Bandung Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Suhardiman Edi Pemilik at Tanjung Tour & Travel Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Muhammad Zainuddin Azhari SMA Negeri 3 Medan Yushar Ardhi and Muhammad Mangapus are mutual friends. Add Friend     Ahmad Chairuddin Dumai Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Zohaib Sunesara Curtin University Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Isnanda Sofman Johara Siregar Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Agung Putranto Tidak ada Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Kenny Hosen Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend  
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Okky Cia
Jambi City
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Muhammad Ghulam
Multimedia University
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Auliansah Hafiz
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Suhardiman Edi
Pemilik at Tanjung Tour & Travel
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Muhammad Zainuddin Azhari
SMA Negeri 3 Medan
Yushar Ardhi and Muhammad Mangapus are mutual friends.
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Ahmad Chairuddin
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Zohaib Sunesara
Curtin University
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Isnanda Sofman Johara Siregar
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Agung Putranto
Tidak ada
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Kenny Hosen
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Sunday, 14 June 2015

Do you know Ahmad Chairuddin, Agung Putranto and 2 others?

  Add the people you know to see their photos and updates.   Ahmad Chairuddin Dumai Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Agung Putranto Tidak ada Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Muhammad Ghulam Multimedia University Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Auliansah Hafiz Institut Teknologi Bandung Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend  
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Ahmad Chairuddin
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Agung Putranto
Tidak ada
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Muhammad Ghulam
Multimedia University
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Auliansah Hafiz
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Friday, 12 June 2015

Koko Chaniago wants to be friends on Facebook

1 mutual friend - 1 friend
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Koko Chaniago
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Sunday, 7 June 2015

Do you know Zohaib Sunesara, Muhammad Zainuddin Azhari and 8 others?

  Add the people you know to see their photos and updates.   Zohaib Sunesara Curtin University Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Muhammad Zainuddin Azhari SMA Negeri 3 Medan Yushar Ardhi and Muhammad Mangapus are mutual friends. Add Friend     Andrean Hartanto Asia Pacific Flight Training Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Wak Jo Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Denny Hartanto Creative Director at Grafidia worldwide Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Emerson Gutierrez Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Okky Cia Jambi City Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Kenny Hosen Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Isnanda Sofman Johara Siregar Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend     Wahyu Aditya Education at Sutomo 1 Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend. Add Friend  
   People You May Know
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Zohaib Sunesara
Curtin University
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Muhammad Zainuddin Azhari
SMA Negeri 3 Medan
Muhammad Mangapus and Yushar Ardhi are mutual friends.
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Andrean Hartanto
Asia Pacific Flight Training
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Wak Jo
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Denny Hartanto
Creative Director at Grafidia worldwide
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Emerson Gutierrez
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Okky Cia
Jambi City
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Kenny Hosen
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Isnanda Sofman Johara Siregar
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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Wahyu Aditya
Education at Sutomo 1
Yushar Ardhi is a mutual friend.
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