Monday, 29 April 2013

[Lowongan PNS -] Bank BCA: Frontliner

Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, 'Bank BCA: Frontliner'

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) is one of the leading banks in Indonesia. BCA
has more than 9.7 million customer accounts served by 911 branches and 7709 ATMs
across Indonesia. Supported by 19,966 employees, BCA's vision is to become the
bank of choice and to support Indonesia's economic pillars. Currently BCA
opening career opportunities for following positions.
Frontliner BCA (Customer Service & Teller) - Jakarta


Citizen of Indonesia.
Male / female, attractive appearance.
Possess Bachelor degree with minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00 scale.
Maximum age 25 years old.
Sound mind and body.
Hospitable and able to communicate well.
Free of illegal drugs and other unlawful.
Willing to be placed in any BCA branch in selection region.
Not married.

Should you interested please send your application letter, curriculum vitae, 1
pcs 4x6 size colour photograph, copy of ID card (KTP), Surat Keterangan Catatan
Kepolisian (SKCK), copy of latest education transcript, copy of education
diploma / Surat Keterangan Lulus Sementara to address below. Write "Frontliner"
on top-left corner of your envelope.
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bukan hp / tablet.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan PNS -

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