Monday, 29 April 2013

[Lowongan PNS -] Gudang Garam: Maintenance Technician / Maintenance Engineer | Engineering Administrator & Production Staff | Quality Control Inspector

Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, 'Gudang Garam: Maintenance Technician /
Maintenance Engineer | Engineering Administrator & Production Staff | Quality
Control Inspector'

PT Gudang Garam Tbk is one of the leading national companies in Indonesia and
competing with the latest technologies in the field of tobacco industry.
Currently we are looking for individuals who are qualified and highly motivated
to help us in developing our company as:
Maintenance Technician / Maintenance Engineer (Code: ME) - Gempol / Kediri

Job Description

Perform maintenance, repair and modification of the machines effectively and
efficiently, to produce products according to targets and quality standards
determined by the company.


Minimum possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Engineering (Mechanical, Otomotive,
Mechatronic, Electronic & Electrical).
Minimum GPA 2.75.
Having high initiative, able to work in a team, results-oriented and have good

Admin Teknik & Staff Produksi (Code: ADM) - Gempol
Job Description

Carry out administrative and reporting related to the operations of machinery,
machinery spares procurement and production monitoring.


Minimum possess Diploma 3 degree majoring in Engineering (Mechanical,
Mechatronic, Electronic).
Minimum GPA 2.75.
Thorough, workmanlike, oriented to provide the best service, preferred for those
who have experience in the same field.

Quality Control Inspector (Code: QC) - Gempol
Job Description

Ensure the products appropriate to the specifications standard and the quality
plan system is running correctly.


Minimum SMK graduate / possess Diploma 3 degree in Chemical Engineering.
For SMK graduate minimum UAN average score 7.
For Diploma 3 minimum GPA 2.75
Having the capability in the physical instrumentation and the way it works.

Should you interested please send your complete application to address below.
Only qualified applicants will be processed.
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You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan PNS -

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