Sunday, 28 April 2013

[Lowongan PNS -] Lowongan PT Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai – Supervisor Accounting

Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, 'Lowongan PT Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai
– Supervisor Accounting'

Lowongan Kerja PT Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai | PT Polychemie Asia Pacific
Permai continued excellence is driven by the execution of our collective
corporate goal. Our improved vision gives us a way to reach that goal. It also
illustrates the objectives we have in driving our company towards prolonged
success. It gives our clients the ability to envisage our aspiration of proving
the best value. Last but not least, Polychemie would not have achieved its
current success without the people working in it. We treat each other as family
members and that is how we aid in making our vision a reality.
As an Indonesia-based, family business, which has over 30 years of experience in
manufacturing adhesives and polymer-based products, PT Polychemies are an
ambitious company that strives to expand through continuous innovations.
We also believe in providing our clients with the best value, which includes
offering the best product with the best quality, as well as the best service.

ProdukPT Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai tanpa sepengatuan banyak orang dapat
ditemukan di banyak benda yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kesuksesan kami dibangun atas dasr inovasi yang berkesinambungan dan manusia
yang giat berprestasi untuk selalu menjadi lebih unggul. Apakah anda punya apa
yang diperlukan?
Supervisor Accounting Jakarta Jakarta Raya Requirements:

Pendidikan min D3 / S1
Usia Max 40 tahun
Pengalaman sebagai min. 1 tahun sebagai accounting
Mampu dan menguasa prinsip dasar akuntansi dan mampu membuat laporan keuangan.
Berdomisili di JABODETABEK

Semua lamaran harap lampirkan CV+Foto dan kirimkan ke hrd.polychemie@gmail
dengan menuliskan posisi yang dilamar.
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and
Interview . Closing date : 25 April 2013.
Apply info : Loker PT Polychemie Asia Pacific Permai

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan PNS -

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